Rwanda Mining Association

About Us

The mining sector in Rwanda is one of the key economic drivers in Rwanda’s economy. The sector is of critical importance for the development of Rwanda in terms of employment, investments and export base. For several years, mining has consistently continued to be the number two forex earner and has indeed been identified as one of the prime growth sectors to foster economic development in Rwanda. Currently, it is very clear that mining already plays a significant role in the Rwanda economy, providing large-scale employment and contributing significantly to export revenues.

The key mineral ores currently being mined and traded in Rwanda are cassiterite (SnO2), wolframite (FeMnWO3), colombo-tantalite (Ta2O5, Nb2O5), and gold (Au).

Anomalies of other key minerals like nickel, chromium, cobalt, lead, zinc, uranium, thorium, and lithium do exist and are subjects of exploration.

This is all thanks to the deliberate efforts that have been focused on promoting the mining sector in Rwanda by the government and private sector players.

Given the country’s political stability, its historical success in the extractive industries, and its abundant and hardworking labor force, the potential to develop a vibrant minerals industry in Rwanda certainly exists and should be supported and rightly nurtured

RMA Vision

Transforming social-economic lives of Rwandese people through responsible mining.

RMA Mission

Maximizing the economic potential of Rwanda’s mining sector and making it the national top export earner.

RMA Objectives

The Association’s key achievements

The Association is committed to ensuring a reputable minerals industry in Rwanda, focusing among others, on addressing the safety, health, and welfare of mine workers and surrounding communities. This is done through knowledge sharing, consultations, corporate social responsibility, planning and commitment in order to develop a sustainable minerals industry economy that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs.


Strengthening the Association (including: Setting up a Head Office with a Permanent Secretariat, establishing its governing structures from the National Level to district level and putting in place the Association’s internal regulations);


We have carried out advocacy on various issues (including: on taxes, participation in formulating the new mining law, organized workshops with different stakeholders, including the Bankers Association to find sustainable financing for the sector, etc);


The Association is one of the active associations under the Private Sector Federation (PSF);


Participated in regional and international Conferences, Workshops and Exhibitions;


Carried out various activities related to the Association’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda.

Trends of sector performance

Since 2012, trends show some lack of consistent growth based on the key indicators such as, the decline in membership as well as production values that eventually affects the revenue in terms of values.

YEAR 2015
YEAR 2016
YEAR 2017
YEAR 2018
YEAR 2019
YEAR 2020

Contact Us

Kicukiro, KN3, Silverback Mall, 2nd Floor

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